Making a Big Difference to Local Families

During 2017 some of the older children went to RockU and learnt new skills which inspire and instil confidence.
Family Support Link are a local Wellingborough Charity involved with the children and family members of people suffering from Drug or Alcohol addiction. Set up by their Founder Sandra from her home over 10 years ago the charity has now grown to four support workers who provide support and guidance across Northamptonshire plus fundraisers and admin staff. They aim to reduce the physical, psychological and emotional harm caused to families living with, or caring for someone who is addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, empowering them to improve their lives.
Working alongside schools, colleges, youth clubs, local authorities, the police and other agencies the team place the emphasis on a proactive response rather than a reactive one. They have developed a proven 12 week programme called “I matter too!” and this method of engagement has an impact at all levels of those affected.
TDS (Midlands) staff will be assisting FSL this summer with its two Children Fun days, giving up both their time and effort to bring fun and laugher to children between the ages of 4‐16 whose lives are affected everyday by these issues. They will be asking clients to help sponsor the cost of a child to attend the day or alternatively providing vouchers or cash to help with the costs of food and clothing for these children.
If you would like to help either contribute or raise the awareness of this charity contact TDS (Midlands) on 01933 411413 and speak with Sarah.